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Girl in Flower Garden Episode.2
I walked alone, by your side I strolled,
No words escaped, our silence took its toll.
I dared not glance at your famous grace,
You asked my path, I pointed to the sea's embrace.

The Girl in the Flower Garden
In wonderment, your eyes did sing their praise,
You asked my way, I pointed where the sea's waves
You asked my path again and again, in plea,
In harmony with the tide, I whispered, "the sea."

Thriving more than me
I ponder your current state,
Perhaps carefree, as life's clock abates.
Like a child, your image still resonates,
Your smile, my lifeline, fate's intricate traits.

Live's Struggle * 操淡的人生
Life's a struggle 日子還要過
品嚐喜怒哀樂之後又是數不盡的 troubles
Everyday 有多少問題要去面對
有多少夜 痛苦煩惱著你無法入睡

Conquered by You💿大战*僵尸
My mood is resolute, decisions obscured,
A steadfast mood, decisions veiled in haze.
Conquered by you, entwined in a subtle maze,
Drama's curtain falls, love and hate find their ways.

Loving One is so Hard
You claim you cherish solitude's embrace,
Yet fear I'll pierce your hidden, fragile hue.
We're like a drifting boat in endless space,
Stranded, longing for a shore we can't construe.

Conquered by You - Dancing
My mood is resolute, decisions obscured,
A steadfast mood, decisions veiled in haze.
Conquered by you, entwined in a subtle maze,
Drama's curtain falls, love and hate find their ways.

Go Home in Winter
Gently, I'm setting myself free.
Wipe those teardrops from your eyes.
In the nights ahead, and days anew,
don't shed tears, my love.

Back Home Around Winter?
Though the path ahead is steep and tough,
gift me your smile, let it rise.
As the wind howls and raindrops fall,
in the storm's grip, I think of you above.

Never intended to Hunt you
I'm feeling helpless, though I've done it all for you,
Here I sit, bewildered and blue,
Yet, I still cherish the warmth you once bestowed,
My heart remains, your presence, it's never let go.

Geneseo Rainbows
After the rain, the blue sky smiles high,
Each breath of the air is fresh, soft as a sigh.
Lazy feet and wandering souls step outside,
Filling our lungs with the scent of life wide.

If death befalls, 'twill be by your hand.
If not sparked by your hand's intent,
It's not a flame, just shadow's game.
Untouched by your grasp, unspent,
A jewel it's not, mere dust to claim.

Youthfulness, “I am not good looking”
Maybe never glimpse again,
That faintly yellow sky at our farewell.
Some faces destined to abstain,
Those once so young, their stories to tell.

Her Soul Heavy with Sorrow
A woman walks the street with grace,
Her beauty shines, her heart a sacred place.
A red suit hugs her curves with care,
Soft fabric pinstriped and rare,
but coldness is she still feeling.

人生就是一场抗争(life's a struggle